Monday, August 13, 2012

Work Week!

First of all let me just start this post off by saying how extremely sorry I am that I haven't posted at all this week, or looked at what you all have written. As you all know I am in a sorority (Kappa Alpha Theta) and this week was our "work week". During this week we work from early in the morning till late at night get things ready for all of the PNM's (potential new members)! We use this week to set up, go over songs and lots of other things! So here are some pictures from work week


Some Of My Pledge Class!

The Girls
This specific day was on Saturday! This was the day when all of our parents and friends could come to the house to see part of our routine! We did our songs, showed them the skit etc! It was kind of bittersweet though because we didn't get to perform our walk out like previous years. Our school's sororities all had walks outs up until this year when they decided to take them away. Theta's walk out was definitely something that caught my eye during my rush week. They had on black pencil skirts and a synchronized hair flip! It was so fun to watch. I remember during our lunch breaks we would all clamour around the lunch room window to watch them do it for every party!
My Little Dancer
Unfortunately I can't show you any of the decorations or anything like that until work week is over. But next week I will definitely share some of those! Get excited because you will get to see the different outfits that we wear for each of the days! Ps: for tomorrow's post I will show you pictures of my room! Hope you all had a wonderful week!


  1. We don't do our work week until January, that's when we do rush! It's not too fun in the cold haha! Best of luck..I know how busy of a time this is!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful work week (that was always one of my favorite times, even though it was crazy busy! Guess that's why I was recruitment chair haha). Hope rush went well, too!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award you can see all the details here!
