Friday, June 15, 2012

Movie Nights

Ah TGIF! I don't know about you guys but I am so ready for this week to be over and for then weekend to begin! This week was filled with pony camp at the barn, my riding lessons and stuff at work. Phew! I am pooped! I can honestly say that all I want to do this weekend is veg out and watch movies! Here are some of the movies on the list!

Who doesn't love Lizzie McGuire
I put Lizzie McGuire on here even though I watched it last weekend because I enjoyed re-watching it that much! I love Lizzie and still crack up at some of the lines like I did when the movie first came out. "You Lizzie McGuirer are an outfit repeater" is an all time favourite!
Forrest Gump is always a crowd pleaser
Forrest Gump is on the movie list for this weekend because I love this movie to bits and pieces and could watch it everyday for the rest of my life and never get sick of it! His willingness to do anything for just about anyone brings me to tears every time I watch it. I think my favourite part of this movie is when he is sitting on that bench (the one in the picture) and is just telling anyone that sits down part of his life story. I mean if my life was that interesting I would too!
My favourite movie!
Last but not least, Under The Tuscan Sun is on the list because it is my favourite movie of all time! If my life could be like any movie I would definitely choose this one. I love love love everything about Italy from the laid back lifestyle to the chic fashion. This movie captures everything that I love about this wonderful place which is probably why I enjoy watching this movie so much! If you guys have any movie suggestions that I should add to my list let me know! Oh and don't forget that no movie night is official without popcorn, ice cream and twizzlers!



  1. I loved the Lizzie McGuire movie! I re-watched it last summer with the kids I was babysitting, and it was still just as good!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Ahh Movie weekends. Love ice cream and popcorn with a warm blanket and friends--makes the movie even better.
