Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rosie Pope

Babies, babies and more babies! A few days ago I went to go visit an old family friend kTl and her newborn baby. He was so cute! We talked for a good two hours about anything and everything. She is such a good mother and her style is fabulous! I must say the first thing that I noticed when I walked in the door was her cute but laid back outfit! She looked wonderful and I honestly couldn't even tell that she had just had a baby. I think one of the things that I admire most is that she didn't let her pregnancy affect how she dressed! So that being said, our topic for today is one of my favourite tv shows, Pregnant in Heels! 

I don't know if any of you have ever watched the show, but it is great! I love how cute Rosie always looks and it doesn't hurt that she is absolutely hilarious.

The show basically centers around her and how she helps new mummies, she helps them get adjusted to life with a young one. She is basically like a guardian angel and is there to fulfill any of their crazy requests! For example, on today's the show a gay couple (who might I add were absolutely fabulous!) wanted Rosie's help to find a signature colour for their daughter on the way. However the colour under no circumstances could be pink because that colour belonged to their first daughter Keke. So Rosie  worked her magic and brought in these paint specialists who had the family squirt all different types of paint on a huge canvas on the floor. Apparently this was supposed to subconsciously help them pick a colour!  Weird I know, but I think the real concern should be that their new born is going to have their own signature colour. I mean a signature colour,  Really? Like I said these parents are crazy (it might also have to do with the fact that this was in LA). Now as much as I love the couples on Pregnant in Heels, I must say my obsession with being a cute mummy to be started with these lovely ladies:

Charlotte York of course is on here because she is the epitome of a cute mummy to be! I mean how adorable is that pink jacket!

What type of person would I be if I didn't mention the lovely Bree Van De Kamp from Desperate housewives! I mean her style was classic throughout her whole pregnancy! I loved how she wore dresses a lot of the time. 

All I can say is that I hope I am as fabulous as these women when I am at that stage in my life. 


1 comment:

  1. I always hope I am as fabulous as Charlotte York! Those are some good maternity clothes!
