Tuesday, July 17, 2012


First of all happy Tuesday everyone! Sorry about not posting yesterday! It was one of those instances where I thought I hit publish but apparently I didn't... whoops! Anyways, today's post is all about agendas! Agendas are super important to me! I have been writing down my daily assignments for as long as I can remember, so to me having a good planner has always been a must! Not only do I insist on them being functional, I also think it is super important for them to be cute! I mean practically half of my life will be spent writing things down on a "pad of paper," it might as well be cute don't you think? With that being said here are some cute planners that I have used in the past and ones that I am lusting over for this year!

Kate Spade
I used this planner back during my senior year! I didn't actually use it for school assignments, more for writing down doctors appointments, babysitting jobs etc! I really liked it, but I don't think it would have been good for college just because there wasn't a lot of space to write things down!

This is the planner that I used during my freshman year in college! I must say this planner was the best and cannot say enough good things about Lilly agendas! They are so fun! Each month is a different design as you guys know and the little quotes are too fun! I definitely got my use out of it, although even now I still have yet to remove any of the stickers in the front! I have a serious issue where I hate messing up the structure of something. I mean as soon as you remove one sticker you might as well remove the rest in my opinion and I could never seem to bring myself to do so. Are any of you guys weird like this?

Here's what mine looked like inside! That month was slightly stressful so I apologise for the messiness! But everything that was written down was accomplished so I guess the messiness can be overlooked!

Kate Spade

Monogrammed Planners
Here are some other cute planners that I came across! The Kate Spade one is definitely original and fresh and the monogrammed ones are definitely classic! Monograms make everything better and I definitely think this principal applies to the agendas above! So cute! As for what I am using this year, drum roll please.....

It's LILLY! This year I decided to stick with Lilly and here is the print I got! I received these two lovelies in the mail a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't be more excited! I am absolutely in love with the alligator print and the sticky notes are too precious! I couldn't be happier with my purchase and can't wait to use them!

So that's my planner choice for this year! What does yours look like? Any that you fell in love with?


  1. I have used a Lilly planner the past three years and think it is perfect. It makes being organized so much fun with all the stickers, colors and fun patterns! This year I might try out an Erin Condren planner but am hesitant because I still love my Lilly!

  2. I'm obsessed with planners! I honestly could not live without mine, I'm even crazy enough to go back and write past events so I know when things happened. I've have the Lilly planners for a few years and, like you, have never removed a sticker haha
